Hiring & Recruitment

Find the right people for your team

Harmonize provides 1-1 coaching, group training, retreats, and custom org processes to help leaders, teams, and organizations:

Hiring & Recruitment Support

Need to recruit and hire for new roles? Let us do the work for you. Whether you’re looking to hire C-suite executives, new team members for your co-op, or a specialist who is aligned with your values and mission, we will create an inclusive and seamless hiring process to add the best people to your team.

1-1 Leadership Coaching

Are you a founder or HR professional looking to establish or improve your hiring and recruitment practice? Get 1-1 experienced support identifying your hiring needs, creating job descriptions, recruiting diverse & talented candidates who are aligned with your values and mission, interviewing & selecting the best candidates, and onboarding for long-term success.

Group Training

Does your HR or People team/circle want to uplevel their hiring, recruiting, and onboarding skills, policies, and/or practices? We provide targeted training paired with coaching sessions to help your group understand and implement best practices for finding and retaining the best talent for your organization.


We design and facilitate virtual and in-person retreats to help your group create policies and practices, like:

Free Guide To
Building a Collaborative Workplace